Monday, April 6, 2009


Short recap, but nonetheless ...

Pillow fight on Saturday!
Note to self, handkerchief over mouth next time. Don't wanna think about how many other faces got slammed with the same pillow, and feathers flying into mouth ain't tasty.

Made lunch for Mosaic (again)!
Kalua pork is the easiest tasty thing you can make. You just gotta leave it in the slow cooker long enough for it to almost fall apart on its own.

Played Ultimate for the first time!
I tried playing once before, but it was for only 3 minutes so I don't count it. This time, I threw it to someone not on my team within the first minute of playing. Woops! Anyway, I kinda had fun.

Drinking (coffee flavored) soy milk!
This is actually the only way I'm willing to drink soy milk. I remember finding coffee flavored soy milk at the supermarkets back in CA, but I couldn't find any at the Stop & Shop here. Instead, I decided to make my own by doing what I think my sister does: mix instant coffee with a wee bit of hot water, then add vanilla flavored soy milk. The result is simple concoction that's almost like a soy latte--much better than a breve latte!

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